REV UP was rated a 9 out of 10 star NPS rating by our members!

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for a 12-month membership. 
Price (ex GST)
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Dynamically Updated $XX.00
I have read and accept REV UP terms and conditions for a 12-month program
Here's What You'll Get:
  • Actionable Learning: Results orientated and evidence-based, delivered by global experts.
  • ​Monthly Masterclasses: A virtual 12-month membership, with monthly live and interactive masterclasses delivering the REV UP System. 
  • ​Monthly Q&A Support to execute your learnings
  • Monthly Challenges (Optional), to help put learnings into action and start seeing the results. 
  • Community, resources and replays in the REV UP Member Portal. 
  • BONUS for FY25 intake only:  For Teams of 10+  receive a complimentary Team Skills Assessment with report and recommendations. 
  • ​10% Discount for 12-month payment upfront
"I would rate REV UP 10 out of 10.

I appreciated the opportunity to ask questions and engage actively rather than feeling as though I was being spoken to. 

I would highly recommend REV UP”

Scott Garvin, Sales Director, Truis

30-Day Satisfaction Guarantee

If you attend all sessions and you're not seeing how REV UP can help REV UP your growth we offer a no questions asked refund valid for 30-Days from date of purchase. 

Secure Processing

Each order is processed through Stripe as a secure payment gateway.  
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